Speaker illustration

Doctor Gianluca Pucciarelli

Tor Vergata University Hospital Polyclinic, Rome (Italy)

Dr Gianluca Pucciarelli, RN, PhD, is a research fellow at University of Rome Tor Vergata, Department of Biomedicine and Prevenion, Italy. He has a special interest in Cardiovascular Disease. Specifically, He has been following two research project: 1) the first is focalized on stroke survivors' and caregivers' quality of life, analyzing the dyadic interdependency; 2) the second on patients with Congenital Heart Disease. Dr Pucciarelli took up his post doc position in 2017. He was awarded in 2017 with "2017 stroke article of the year award" and "2019 Clinical article of the Year Award" by the Council of Cardiovascular AND Stroke Nursing (American Heart Association) and with "Post doctoral mentorship award" by the European Society of Cardiology, CCNAP. Dr Pucciarelli is a board member of the CVSN Stroke Nursing Committe from 2019 is Fellow of the American Heart Association.

Management in stroke disease: determinants and effects

Event: ACNAP-EuroHeartCare 2022

Topic: Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions

Session type: Symposium


Rapid Fire Oral Abstract Session 1

Event: ACNAP-EuroHeartCare 2022

Topic: Advanced Clinical Practice

Session type: Abstract Sessions


Tops tips for the digital you

Event: ACNAP-EuroHeartCare 2022

Topic: Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions

Session type: Special Session


Multidisciplinary perspectives in stroke care

Event: EuroHeartCare - ACNAP Congress 2021

Topic: Cardiovascular Disease in Special Populations, Other

Session type: Symposium


Clinical case session

Event: EuroHeartCare 2019

Topic: Association of Cardiovascular Nursing & Allied Professions (ACNAP)

Session type: Clinical Cases
