Speaker illustration

Ms Mitzi van Andel

Amsterdam UMC - Location Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam (Netherlands (The))

Mitzi van Andel is currently working on her dissertation at Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She has a special interest in congenital cardiology, Marfan syndrome in particular. Her current work focuses on a new clinical trial investigating the effect of Resveratrol on aortic function in Marfan syndrome patients.

Longitudinal changes in aortic distensibility in patients with Marfan syndrome

Event: ESC Congress 2021 - The Digital Experience

Topic: Imaging

Session: Diseases of the Aorta ePosters


Abnormal aortic hemodynamics at predilection sites for dissection in patients with Marfan Syndrome: a 4D flow study

Event: EuroCMR 2021

Topic: Congenital Heart Disease

Session: ePoster session


Effects of losartan and beta-blockers on aortic root dilatation in patients with Marfan Syndrome - results of the extended COMPARE trial

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: Pharmacotherapy

Session: Inherited diseases of the aorta: when science meets practice


Plasma levels of microfibrillar associated protein type 4 (MFAP4) are predictive for aortic dissection in patients with Marfan Syndrome

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: Aortic Dissection, Acute Intramural Haematoma

Session: Inherited diseases of the aorta: when science meets practice
