Prof. Stockburger is head of cardiology at Havelland Kliniken, Nauen (D), since 2012. From 2001 to 2011 he led the CIED department at Charité. He is Professor of Medicine and renowned researcher/teacher at Charité - University Hospital Berlin since 2001 and published multiple peer-reviewed scientific papers. He has extensive experience in cardiac pacing, ICDs, and cardiac resynchronisation (CRT), but also in electrophysiology and interventional cardiology. International RCTs on pacing/CRT (ANSWER,Prevent-HF) have been led and published by Dr. Stockburger. In addition, he is an international collaborator of several European groups and the MADIT study group (now: Clinical Cardiovascular Research Center), Rochester, NY (USA). He is the current past speaker of the telemonitoring WG of the German Cardiac Society. As president of the Berlin-Brandenburg Myocardial Infarction Registry, he is also committed to improve MI care and to conduct related research in the Berlin-Brandenburg area.