Speaker illustration

Doctor Andrei Georgian Florescu

Clinical Hospital Dr Theodor Burghele, Bucharest (Romania)

Andrei G. Florescu is a young cardiology resident in training at the Clinical Hospital Dr Theodor Burghele in Bucharest. He studied medicine at Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest (which he graduated in 2017) and Charles Mérieux Faculty of Medicine in Lyon (during an Erasmus Internship). Up until now he kept a close relationship with the medical environment in Lyon which gave him the opportunity to work and train in the Cardiolody department of the Centre Hospitalier Lyon-Sud. He is a member of the Heart Failure Association (regular membership) passionate about echocardiography and electrophysiology.

Right heart failure related to diffuse large b cell lymphoma

Event: Heart Failure 2019

Topic: Comorbidities

Session: Clinical Case Corner 4 - Have you seen this before? Rare presentations
