Speaker illustration

Doctor Petr Puzdriak

2 City Hospital, Saint Petersburg (Russian Federation)

I was born in Leningrad (Saint Petersburg) in May 1986. Since early childhood I dreamt of becoming a doctor one day and sometimes dreams come true. From 2004 I was a volunteer student in the department of vascular surgery in the Saint-Petersburg I.I. Dzhanelidze Research Institute Of Emergency Medicine. From 2005 I was a volunteer student in the Department of Vascular Surgery of St. Petersburg State City Multiservice hospital №2. I graduated with honor from the S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy in 2009. In 2010 I complete internship in general surgery. In 2012 I complete residency in cardiovascular surgery at the I.I. Mechnikov North West State Medical University. Since 2012 and up to the present time I have been working in the Department of Vascular Surgery of Saint Petersburg City Multiservice hospital № 2 as a vascular surgeon for routine and emergency care for patients with cardiovascular pathology.

Hybrid vascular interventin for multilevel peripheral arterial disease

Event: ESC Congress 2021 - The Digital Experience

Topic: Intervention

Session: Diseases of the Aorta ePosters
