Speaker illustration

Doctor Julia Hock

German Heart Center of Munich, Munich (Germany)

Member of:

Some results are striking - what about lung function in adults with congenital heart disease?

Event: ESC Preventive Cardiology 2023

Topic: Prevention

Session: ePosters


More likely normal lungs in nowadays children with a congenital heart defect?

Event: ESC Preventive Cardiology 2023

Topic: Prevention

Session: ePosters


Are there correlations between lung volume and exercise capacity in children and adolescents with native Ebstein's anomaly?

Event: ESC Preventive Cardiology 2022

Topic: Exercise Testing

Session: ePosters


How well can wearables in children and adolescents with congenital heart disease represent their exercise capacity?

Event: ESC Preventive Cardiology 2022

Topic: Exercise

Session: ePosters


Functional outcome in contemporary children with total cavopulmonary connection: motor competence, exercise capacity and health-related quality of life

Event: EuroPrevent 2017

Topic: Exercise testing

Session: Exercise testing/ training/ Cardiac Rehabilitation_Part 3


Computerized measurement of p wave inversion in athletes

Event: EuroPrevent 2017

Topic: Sports cardiology

Session: Physical activity/Sports Cardiology
