Erasmus University Medical Centre, Rotterdam (Netherlands (The))
Dr. Wentzel is Associate Professor Biomedical Engineering, Cardiology, ThoraxCenter, ErasmusMC, NL. She heads the Biomechanics Laboratory, aiming to investigate with her group the influence of biomechanical parameters on atherosclerotic (vulnerable) plaque development, progression, destabilization and cardiovascular events. In her studies she applies a broad spectrum of methodologies including image based modeling, intravascular and non-invasive imaging, nuclear imaging, 3D histology in coronary and carotid arteries of patients as well as in atherosclerotic animal models. Currently here main interest is in gender based differences of cardiovascular disease. Also the link between pressure induced stress in the vessel wall and plaque rupture is studied. She is an recipient of an ERC Starting grant and co-author on > 125 papers in high ranked journals.