Prof. Lorenzo G Mantovani, MSc (economics), DSc (epidemiology), FESC
Academic Positions: Full Professor of Public Health and Dean of the Postgraduate School of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, both at the University of Milano-Bicocca.
Practice: Director of the Value-Based Healthcare Unit, Multimedica Research Hospital, Milan. Italy
Member of the Independent Steering Committees of Global Post-Athorisation Safety Studies, Global RCT's and Registries, as PI of the HEOR sub-studies. Member of the Global Burden of Disease Collaboration.
Recipient of the EFPIA Scientist of Tomorrow Award (2008), of the ISPOR Distinguished Service Award (2005 and 2015), of the European Epidemiological Forum Best Oral Presentation Award (2014).
Co-author of more than 260 papers published in scientific journals including the Eur Heart Journal, Blood, Circulation, Thromb Haemost, J Thromb Haemost, Int J Cardiol, Lancet Haematology, Lancet, JAMA Cardiology, BMJ, New Eng J Med