Speaker illustration

Professor Zhi-Cheng Jing

Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital, Guangzhou (China)

Dr. Zhi-Cheng Jing is Full Professor of Medicine and, the Head of Cardiology Department, GuangDong Provincial People's Hospital , the Vice President of GuangDong Academy Medical Sciences. Dr. Jing obtained his medical degree in 1994 from WeiFang Medical College, PhD degree in 1998 from Peking Union Medical College, before participating in 2-year postdoctoral training at the Hospital Antoine Béclère in Paris-Sud Université, Clamart, France.Among his outstanding achievements, Prof. Jing received the “Yangtze River Scholars Distinguished Professorship” in 2014, the “National Scientific Funding for Outstanding Young Scientist” in 2014, and the “Chinese Physician Prize” in 2018 (the national top prize and honor for clinician in China). He is the Associate Editor of HEART, the Associate Editor of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, the deputy editor in chief of Chinese Journal of Cardiology, and the Asia-Pacific Regional Editor of JACC.

CTEPH: Catheter-directed and surgical therapy

Event: ESC Congress 2017

Topic: Chronic pulmonary hypertension

Session type: Moderated Posters


Modelling heart failure in rodents - Which model and how to validate?

Event: ESC Congress 2016

Topic: Integrative physiology and control mechanisms

Session type: Science@Breakfast
