Speaker illustration

Mrs Hsin Yu Yang

Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, New Taipei (Taiwan)

Magnifying Myocardial BOLD Sensitivity Through Time-Resolved Imaging of Regadenoson Phamacokinetics.

Event: CMR 2018 (the 5th joint EuroCMR/SCMR meeting)

Topic: Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR)

Session: ISMRM/SCMR Workshop: Non Contrast Methods


Cardiac MRI - A new approach for identifying myocardial oxygenation changes in the heart with unprecedented confidence.

Event: CMR 2018 (the 5th joint EuroCMR/SCMR meeting)

Topic: Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR)

Session: ISMRM/SCMR Workshop: Non Contrast Methods


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