Speaker illustration

Doctor Vincent Galand

Hospital Pontchaillou of Rennes, Rennes (France)

Left ventricular wall thickness measured with computed tomography stratifies the response to cardiac resynchronization therapy in patients with non-ischemic cardiomyopathy.

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy (CRT)

Session: Cardiac resynchronisation therapy


Left ventricular wall thickness measured with computed tomography predicts mitral regurgitation improvement in patients implanted with cardiac resynchronization therapy.

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy (CRT)

Session: Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy


Predictors and clinical impact of late ventricular arrhythmias in patients with continuous-flow left ventricular assist devices.

Event: EHRA 2018

Topic: Implantable Cardioverter / Defibrillator

Session: Shocking truths regarding implantable cardioverter defibrillators


Early post-operative ventricular arrhythmias increase mortality in patient with continuous-flow left ventricular assist device

Event: EHRA 2018

Topic: Arrhythmias, General – Epidemiology, Prognosis, Outcome

Session: The weird and the tough stuff


Device complications in patients with ICD and continuous-flow LVAD.

Event: ESC Congress 2016

Topic: Device Complications and Lead Extraction

Session: Syncope and device complications


Survival depending of ischemic or idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy in patient implanted with a left ventricular assist device in destination therapy or bridge to transplantation.

Event: ESC Congress 2016

Topic: Circulatory assist and other

Session: Assist devices and more
