Speaker illustration

Associate Professor Marinos Kallikourdis

Humanitas Research Hospital, Milan (Italy)

Marinos Kallikourdis read Natural Sciences in Trinity College, Cambridge (UK), where he also received a PhD in Immunology for work done in the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology. After a short post-doc, he became Principal Investigator of the Adaptive Immunity Lab at the Humanitas Clinical and Research Centre, a multi-disciplinary clinical and biomedical research center in Milan, Italy, as well as an Assistant Professor of General Pathology and Immunology in the University of Milan. In 2015 he became Assistant Professor of General Pathology and Immunology at Humanitas University. The Adaptive Immunity Lab is interested in deciphering the interactions between the adaptive immune system (T cells, B cells, Treg cells) and different tissues during disease pathogenesis (cardiovascular, oncological, cardiooncological). We study the mechanisms underlying these interactions, from a systemic down to molecular level, and then utilize the findings to attempt innovative therapeutic strategies.

Immune modulation in cardiovascular disease

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: Basic Science

Session type: Abstract Sessions
