Speaker illustration

Doctor Jacopo Senes

Hospital Lavagna, Lavagna (Italy)

Member of:

European Heart Rythm Association

Currently Specialist at the Arrhythmology Center of Lavagna (Genoa-Italy), working as Cardiac Electrophysiologist. Areas of expertise are: Cardiac Pacing, Electrophysiology, syncope. Authors and co-authors of several publications; also participated as clinical field investigators in some Multicenter randomized trial. I received: 1) MD from University of Genoa (Italy); 2) Residency in Cardiology from University of Genoa (Italy). Italian native speaker and fluent in English (First Certificate exam and B1 TOEFFLE)

Are His bundle pacing or His bundle plus coronary sinus pacing superior to conventional cardiac resynchronization therapy in improving heart failure? Results from a controlled study

Event: EHRA 2021

Topic: Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy (CRT)

Session: ePoster session
