Speaker illustration

Mr Pierre-Francois Migeotte

Free University of Brussels (ULB), Brussels (Belgium)

Member of:

Heart Failure Association

Pierre-François Migeotte is a Physicist (ULB-1996) with a PhD focused on cardiac function monitoring and space physiology (ULB-2003). He is passionate about space exploration, astronauts, cardiac mechanics and entrepreneurship. Several years of R&D as a principal investigator in the field of and cardiac monitoring of astronauts in microgravity, lead him to design the Kinocardiograph: a small automated wearable system able to provide unique information on cardiac mechanical function for which he received the 2017 1st prize of innovation at the EHRA meeting from ESC. He is now dedicating all his energy in making this technology available for the largest number. The same Kinocardiograph will be used by astronauts in the International Space Station, participants in NASA and ESA bedrest studies and cardiac patients in hospitals or in a remote patient monitoring program.

The kinocardiograph for non-invasive assessment of cardiovascular function in health and disease.

Event: Digital Health 2019

Topic: e-Cardiology/Digital Health

Session: Technology & Innovation in eCardiology Award


Heart failure: neural networks for heart failure devices

Event: EHRA 2018

Topic: e-Cardiology

Session: eHealth and mhealth in practice: upcoming technologies


Aortic flow adaptation to deconditioning after 58-days head-down bed-rest assessed by phase-contrast MRI.

Event: ESC Congress 2017

Topic: Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (CMR)

Session: Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance : valves and vessels


Cardiac strength deconditioning after the 60-days head-down bed-rest assessed by heart kinetic energy wearable monitoring

Event: ESC Congress 2017

Topic: ECG and arrhythmia analysis

Session: Best Posters in m-health technology and application


EHRA Inventor Award: KINO-cardiograph.


Topic: Miscellaneous

Session: Finals of EHRA inventors award and Cardiostim innovators award
