Speaker illustration

Doctor Bernadin Ndongson Dongmo

Oslo University Hospital Rikshospitalet, Oslo (Norway)

Bernadin Ndongson was awarded a PhD in Molecular Medicine (Jena, Germany) in 2015. He is currently a postdoc researcher in the lab of Prof Finn Olav Levy (Receptors, signaling and cardiac pharmacology) at the Department of Pharmacology (University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital). He has recently started to develop his own line of research focusing on gene delivery as strategy for -unravelling hidden mechanism of -and establishment of therapeutic proof-of-concept for extra-cardiac effects of heart failure and cardiac effects of therapeutic drugs, primarily centered on Cardio-Oncology. Bernadin Ndongson has expertise on cardiology research and systemic diseases and works with an approach including physiology, electrophysiology, biochemistry, histology, serology, immunology and genetic. Bernadin Ndongson currently interested in building connection for collaborations and support. In his Free time, Bernadin Ndongson is into storytelling (writing).

Pi3kgamma inhibition rescues mice from acute cardiac contractile dysfunction, acquired long QT syndrome (acLQTS) and sudden death caused by calcineurin inhibitors

Event: ESC Congress 2017

Topic: Basic Science

Session: Cardiovascular care - Biology II


PI3Kgamma inhibition rescues mice from acute cardiac contractile dysfunction and sudden death caused by calcineurin inhibitors

Event: Heart Failure 2017 - 4th World Congress on Acute Heart Failure

Topic: co-morbidities (other)

Session: Basic science: Cancer and cytokines


Low ambient temperature induces increased mortality, cardiac autonomic nervous system dysregulation and heart dysfunction in endotoxemic mice


Topic: Pathophysiology

Session: Basic Science: Pathophysiology
