Speaker illustration

Doctor Nicholas Cauwenberghs

University of Leuven, Leuven (Belgium)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

Dr. Nicholas Cauwenberghs is a cardiovascular epidemiologist at the University of Leuven, Belgium. He obtained his PhD in Cardiovascular Medicine at the University of Leuven in 2019. His research aims to improve heart failure prediction in the community using innovative imaging and bioprofiling techniques.

Ventricular-arterial coupling as assessed by the PWV/GLS ratio in the general population: reference values, correlates and predictive value

Event: ESC Congress 2024

Topic: Imaging

Session: Cardiovascular risk factors and risk prediction


Integrative interpretation of cardiopulmonary exercise tests for cardiovascular risk stratification: a machine learning approach

Event: ESC Congress 2023

Topic: Cardiovascular Risk Assessment

Session: Cardiovascular risk assessment (2)


Flemish study on environment, genes and health outcomes

Event: ESC Preventive Cardiology 2023

Topic: Biomarkers

Session: Late-Breaking Science session


Echocardiographic diversity associated with exercise capacity in heart failure precursor stage B: the Project Baseline Health Study

Event: ESC Congress 2022

Topic: Imaging

Session: Chronic heart failure - Diagnostic and imaging


The association of soluble ACE2 change with metabolic health, body composition and proteome dynamics during a weight loss diet intervention: implications for the COVID-19 pandemic

Event: ESC Congress 2021 - The Digital Experience

Topic: Metabolic Syndrome, Insulin, Insulin Resistance

Session: Risk Factors and Prevention ePosters


Proteomic profiling for detection of early-stage heart failure in the community

Event: ESC Congress 2021 - The Digital Experience

Topic: Biomarkers

Session: Congress committee e-posters choice in heart failure


Subclinical left atrial dysfunction profiles for prediction of cardiac outcome in the general population

Event: ESC Congress 2020

Topic: Imaging

Session: Risk Prediction – Still Trying To Get It Right


The 2013 ACC/AHA pooled cohort equations and insulin resistance status for detection of early-stage heart failure in the community

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: Cardiovascular Risk Assessment

Session: Diabetes


The relation between insulin resistance on longitudinal changes in left ventricular structure and function in a general population.

Event: EuroPrevent 2018

Topic: Diabetes and the Heart

Session: Young investigator award session III - Exercise Basic & Translational Research (EBTR)


Doppler indexes of left ventricular diastolic function in relation to hemodynamic load components in a general population.

Event: ESC Congress 2017

Topic: Haemodynamics, heart and hypertension

Session: Systemic and organ adaptation in hypertension
