Speaker illustration

Doctor Balazs Ordog

Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden (Netherlands (The))

Real-time (re)shaping of cardiac action potentials by an opto-electronic feedback control system in the multicellular setting

Event: Frontiers in CardioVascular Biomedicine 2024

Topic: Ion Channels, Electrophysiology

Session: Pro-arrhythmic mechanisms and anti-arrhythmic strategies


An opto-electronic control system for real-time complete (re)shaping of cardiac action potentials on a multicellular scale

Event: ESC Congress 2023

Topic: Ion Channels, Electrophysiology

Session: Innovation in molecular cardiology


The study on optogenetic tachyarrhythmia termination under pathological conditions from the single cell to the whole heart

Event: ESC Congress 2020

Topic: Arrhythmias

Session: Basic Science Cardiac ePosters
