Speaker illustration

Professor Nancy Artinian

Michigan State University, East Lansing (United States of America)

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Dr. Nancy Artinian is a Professor at the Michigan State University College of Nursing. She received her Doctor of Philosophy degree in nursing from Wayne State University and completed a two-year NIH National Research Service Award Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Michigan School of Nursing. Dr. Artinian has received numerous awards including AHA’s Katharine A. Lembright Award and is a Fellow of the American Heart Association, the Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association, and the Academy of Nursing. Dr. Artinian’s sustained program of research has focused on cardiovascular risk reduction and cardiovascular health disparities and has been funded by grants from numerous agencies including the NINR, NHLBI, NIEHS and AHRQ. She led the AHA’s scientific statement entitled Interventions to Promote Physical Activity and Dietary Lifestyle Changes for Cardiovascular Risk Factor Reduction in Adults and has written more than 80 publications.

Screening: an important priority for prevention in cardiovascular conditions

Event: ESC Congress 2017

Topic: Primary cardiovascular prevention: interventions and outcomes

Session type: Symposium
