Speaker illustration

Doctor Jose Andres Gomez De La Calle

La Barrera Health Centre, Castro Urdiales (Spain)

First degree in medicine granted in 1991, Universidad de Valladolid, Spain. Since 1991 worked as GP in different facilities, SACYL and SESCAM. Expertise en pharmaceutical marketing. Experience in emergency medicine, Gerencia de emergencias SACYL, 2012. Family Physician specialist 2017, Hospital Pio del Rio Hortega, Valladolid, Spain. Usually works as GP, at present, 2022, Cantabria, Castro Urdiales, Spain. Mother languaje spanish, others: english, romanian. Loves the sea.

From acute myocardial infarction to dual chamber pacing. How much does secondary prevention matter?

Event: ESC Preventive Cardiology 2021

Topic: Secondary Prevention

Session: Clinical cases
