Heartcenter Bonn, University Hospital Bonn, Bonn (Germany)
Event: ESC Congress 2020
Topic: Vascular Biology and Physiology
Session: Basic Science Vascular ePosters
Event: ESC Congress 2019
Topic: Leukocytes, Inflammation, Immunity
Session: Vascular inflammation
Event: ESC Congress 2019
Topic: Vascular Biology and Physiology
Session: Atherosclerosis and vascular dysfunction
Event: ESC Congress 2019
Topic: Signal Transduction, Mechanotransduction
Session: Lipids and metabolism
Event: ESC Congress 2018
Topic: Leukocytes, Inflammation, Immunity
Session: Inflammation : vascular disease
Event: ESC Congress 2017
Topic: Atherosclerosis
Session: Best Posters in atherosclerosis
Event: ESC Congress 2017
Topic: Infarction acute phase non STEMI
Event: ESC Congress 2017
Topic: Atherosclerosis
Session: Atherosclerosis
Event: ESC Congress 2016
Topic: Atherosclerosis
Session: The immune system in cardiovascular disease