Speaker illustration

Doctor Songul Usalp

Istanbul sancaktepe traning and hosital, Istanbul (Türkiye)

Name and Surname : Songül Usalp Email: songul.usalp@neu.edu.tr Telephone: 0 533 880 94 63 / 0507 853 21 53 Chapter: Department of Cardiology Training and Experience Education: Faculty of Medicine: Dicle University, Faculty of Medicine (2005) Internal Medicine Specialist: İzmir Katip Çelebi University, Department of Internal Medicine (2010) Cardiology Specialist: Istanbul Bilim University, Department of Cardiology ( 2016) Near East University, Faculty of Medicine (2018-2020) Sancaktepe Sehit Professor Ilhan Varank Education and Research Hospital (2020-Currently)

Predictive value of post-implantation frontal QRS-T angle in patients receiving cardiac resynchronization therapy

Event: EHRA 2021

Topic: Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy (CRT)

Session: ePoster session
