Speaker illustration

Doctor Costantina Prota

San Giovanni di Dio and Ruggi d'Aragona University Hospital, Salerno (Italy)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

Left atrial volume changes during exercise stress echocardiography in heart failure and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Event: ESC Congress 2021 - The Digital Experience

Topic: Stress Echocardiography

Session: Echocardiography ePosters


Functional correlates of left atrial volume dilatation during vasodilator stress echocardiography

Event: ESC Congress 2020

Topic: Stress Echocardiography

Session: Echocardiography ePosters


Blunted heart rate reserve during exercise or vasodilator stress echo is a predictor of outcome

Event: EuroEcho 2019

Topic: Stress Echocardiography

Session: Stress Echocardiography


Dynamic changes of left ventricular cardiac mechanics in takotsubo syndrome: a preliminary study

Event: EuroEcho 2019

Topic: Tissue Doppler, Speckle Tracking and Strain Imaging

Session: Tissue Doppler, Speckle Tracking and Strain Imaging


Prognostic value of echocardiographic parameters in pediatric patients with ebstein's anomaly: a 60 month follow up study.

Event: EuroEcho-Imaging 2018

Topic: Tissue Doppler, Speckle Tracking and Strain Imaging

Session: Diagnostic and prognostic value of cardiac mechanics


Prognostic value of right atrial strain in pediatric patients with ebstein anomaly. A 44 month follow up study.

Event: ESC Congress 2018

Topic: Echocardiography

Session: Congenital heart disease diagnostic aspects
