Speaker illustration

Professor Maciej Sterlinski

National Institute of Cardiology, Warsaw (Poland)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology
European Heart Rythm Association

Arrhythmias 13

Event: EHRA 2024

Topic: Arrhythmias, General

Session type: Moderated ePosters


Risks and screening for atrial fibrillation

Event: ESC Congress 2023

Topic: Epidemiology, Prognosis, Outcome

Session type: Moderated ePosters


Risks and effects of interventions on prognosis and outcome in atrial fibrillation

Event: ESC Congress 2023

Topic: Epidemiology, Prognosis, Outcome

Session type: Moderated ePosters


Controversies in rhythm control therapy in persistent atrial fibrillation and obesity

Event: EHRA 2021

Topic: Lifestyle Modification

Session type: Debate Session
