Speaker illustration

Doctor Domenico Filomena

Sapienza University of Rome, Rome (Italy)

Member of:

Heart Failure Association

Dr. Domenico Filomena is cardiologist specilized in cardiovascular imaging and heart failure. Born and raised in Italy, Dr. Filomena pursued his medical education and training at Sapienza University of Rome - Policlinico Umberto I. He specialized in echocardiography at King’s College Hospital in London. Additionally, he undertook advanced training in cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging at KU Leuven. He is actively involved in several clinical researches in cardiovascular imaging and heart failure.

Ringlike late gadolinium enhancement: prevalence, association with cardiac phenotype, and patient outcome in an unselected cohort referred for cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging

Event: ESC Congress 2024

Topic: Imaging

Session: Immune and genetic factors in myocarditis: not just a common cold!


Correlation Between Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ) Scores and Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET) Parameters in Patients with Heart Failure

Event: Heart Failure 2024

Topic: Epidemiology, Prognosis, Outcome

Session: Acute heart failure - epidemiology, prognosis, outcome 1


Impact of cardiac and non-cardiac comorbidities on systo-diastolic function and quality of life in HFrEF and HFmrEF patients

Event: Heart Failure 2023

Topic: Comorbidities

Session: ePosters in chronic heart failure 3


Cardiovascular screening in olympic athletes before and after SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Event: ESC Preventive Cardiology 2022

Topic: Pre-Competition Screening and Sports Eligibility

Session: Rapid fire abstracts session 2 - Sports Cardiology and Exercise


Hemodynamic forces in olympic athletes assessed by cardiac magnetic resonance: a new non-invasive screening tool?

Event: ESC Preventive Cardiology 2022

Topic: Imaging of Systolic and Diastolic Function

Session: Rapid fire abstracts session 1 - Sports Cardiology and Exercise


Misalignment of hemodynamic forces in the left ventricle is associated with adverse remodeling following STEMI

Event: EACVI - Best of Imaging 2020

Topic: Flow Imaging

Session: ePoster session


Cardio-protective role of dexrazoxane co-administered with anthracyclines: long-term echocardiographic follow-up in adult survivors of pediatric cancer

Event: EuroEcho 2019

Topic: Tissue Doppler, Speckle Tracking and Strain Imaging

Session: Tissue Doppler, Speckle Tracking and Strain Imaging


Intraventricular fluid patterns during dobutamine stress echo in patients with significant coronary stenosis

Event: EuroEcho 2019

Topic: Stress Echocardiography

Session: Stress Echocardiography


Intraventricular fluid dynamics evaluated during DSE: new horizon for CAD patients

Event: EuroEcho-Imaging 2018

Topic: Stress Echocardiography

Session: The diversity of clinical use of stress echo


Intraventricular flow patterns after percutaneous mitral valve repair with MitraClip implantation in patients with functional MR

Event: EuroEcho-Imaging 2018

Topic: Contrast Echocardiography

Session: Contrast Echocardiography
