Speaker illustration

Associate Professor Pawel Lewandowski

Grochowski Hospital, Centre of Postgraduate Medical School, Warsaw (Poland)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

Born in 1976 in Sulejow, Poland. I graduated from the Medical Academy of Warsaw in 2001 (currently, Medical University of Warsaw). Having completed the postgraduate training program, I took up position of junior assistant and next assistant Professor at the Department of Cardiology at the Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education at Grochowski Hospital in Warsaw. I gained medical experience while working at an emergency department as well as cardiac and intensive cardiac care units, to subsequently move on to a cardiac catheterization laboratory. At the same time, I developed skills in other fields, including vascular ultrasound imaging. In 2004, I started a postgraduate course on healthcare facility management at the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH). My work at the Department of Cardiology coincided with intense professional development. I continued my medical education to finally obtain a specialty degree in internal medicine in 2011, cardiology in 2014 and angiology.

Ultrasonographic and functional evaluation of forearm circulation with occluded radial artery

Event: ESC Congress 2024

Topic: Vascular Access

Session: Tips, tricks, techniques, and technologies in radial angiography
