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Associate Professor Behzad Sharif

Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis (United States of America)

Behzad Sharif, PhD, is currently an Associate Professor of Medicine and Director of Cardiac MRI Research at Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis where he also directs the Laboratory for Translational Imaging of Microcirculation at the Krannert Cardiovascular Research Center. Previously, Dr. Sharif spent a decade as a faculty member at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles with a joint appointment as Assistant Professor-in-Residence at UCLA Geffen School of Medicine and Dept. of Bioengineering, University of California Los Angeles. The work in his research group focuses on the development and validation of new MRI methods for quantitative imaging of the dynamics in the cardiovascular system with the goal of addressing ongoing challenges in non-invasive cardiology.

Quantification of Native T1 Rest/Stress Reactivity without T1 Mapping: Towards a Noncontrast Surrogate Marker of Myocardial Blood Volume Reserve Using a Novel Gradient-Echo Hybrid 2D/3D Acquisition Scheme.

Event: CMR 2018 (the 5th joint EuroCMR/SCMR meeting)

Topic: Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR)

Session: ISMRM/SCMR Workshop: Non Contrast Methods


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Event: CMR 2018 (the 5th joint EuroCMR/SCMR meeting)

Topic: Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR)

Session: ISMRM/SCMR Workshop: Perfusion Imaging


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