Speaker illustration

Doctor Ewa Szczerba

Independent Public Central Clinical Hospital, Warsaw (Poland)

The effect of initial weight and weight gain in pregnancy on blood pressure control.

Event: EuroPrevent 2018

Topic: Cardiovascular Disease in Special Populations, Other

Session: Cardiovascular disease in special populations


Suspicion of mitral isthmus perforation after paroxysmal atrial tachycardia ablation with a happy ending.

Event: EuroEcho-Imaging 2017

Topic: Pericardial Disease

Session: Clinical Case Poster session 5


Utility of left chamber volumes assessment by Heart Model in young women.

Event: EuroEcho-Imaging 2017

Topic: Assessment of left ventricle volume

Session: Assessment of morphology and function


Lack of physical activity is related with an excessive 30-year cardiovascular risk in office female workers.

Event: EuroPRevent Meeting 2016

Topic: Physical activity

Session: Posters Group 4
