Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht (CARIM), Maastricht (Netherlands (The))
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Gaetano Ruocco begin his career as Internal Medicine Fellow in cardiovascular diseases unit under the guide of Dr. Palazzuoli at University of Siena. During these five years Gaetano Ruocco worked around cardiovascular diseases and in particular Heart Failure which is the main topic of his researches. The research of Dr. Gaetano Ruocco provided some studies about cardiorenal syndrome, acute heart failure imaging, biomarkers, pulmonary hypertension and loop diuretic therapy of acute heart failure. He spent a lot of time in research hospital of siena growing as cardiologist and echocardiographist. After the graduation as Internal Medicine, Dr. Gaetano Ruocco began top work as Cardiologist in Valdichiana United Hospital, in Montepulciano (Siena). He is a member of HF study group of Italian Society of Cardiology and he is involved in presenting abstracts in national cardiology congress. He is involved in ESC as HoT member presenting different abstracts in Heart Failure and ESC congresses
Effects of intravenous loop diuretic dose and delivery on congestion, natriuretic peptides, diuretic efficiency, and urinary sodium: findings from the DIUR-AHF Trial
Prognostic value of limited in-hospital congestion improvement during hospitalization for heart failure according to left ventricular ejection fraction