University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (United States of America)
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Dr Soran graduated from Ankara Medical School in 1989 and received her specialization degree in cardiology in 1996. During her training she won scholarships from Spain and Japanese government and studied invasive cardiology. In 1997 she joined the postdoctoral fellowship program in heart failure in the Division of Cardiology at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Soran and her colleagues were the first ones to show that EECP was safe and effective in patients with heart failure, their work lead the FDA to approve the use of EECP treatment in ischemic heart failure management. In 2001 she was appointed Director of EECP Lab. at the University of Pittsburgh and was promoted to an Associate Professor of Medicine in 2003 followed by a promotion to Professor of Medicine. She worked as a full time faculty for more than 15 years at the University of Pittsburgh. She holds more than 10 prestigious awards and has had received over 150 invitations to give lectures at the cardiology meetings.
The gender differences in the implementation and maintenance of a structured-enhanced education and follow-up program in primary prevention for coronary artery disease