Speaker illustration

Doctor Casper Eurlings

Laurentius Hospital, Roermond (Netherlands (The))

Casper Eurlings is an enthusiastic, EHRA CP level 1 certified, cardiologist trained at the Maastricht UMC+ with a special interest in heart failure, eHealth, and cardiac device therapy. In 2018 he started as junior cardiologist at the Maastricht UMC+ assigned to the NWE-INTERREG funded PASSION-HF project lead by prof. H.P. Brunner-la Rocca, cardiologist and vice chair at Maastricht UMC+. The project develops a self-supporting system for heart-failure patients in order to achieve true self-care for the chronically ill and their informal care-givers. Since March 2020, Casper Eurlings is a staff member as a cardiologist at the Laurentius Hospital in Roermond, the Netherlands.

The differences between four European countries in regard to the attitude of patients with heart failure and their informal caregivers towards digital health solutions. A mixed-method analysis.

Event: Heart Failure 2021

Topic: Remote Patient Monitoring and Telehealth

Session: Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions, e-Cardiology/Digital Health, Research Methodology
