Torino North Emergency San Giovanni Bosco, Turin (Italy)
Member of:
Cardiologist with interest on scientific research on clinical cardiology in general with focus on intensive care unit and management of Acute Decompensated Heart Failure, cardiogenic shock and mechanical support.
Hemodynamic monitoring in the acute setting.
Prognostic implications of pulmonary artery catheter monitoring in patients with cardiogenic shock: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies
Heart Failure 2021
Cardiogenic Shock
Coronary Artery Disease, Acute Coronary Syndromes and Cardiogenic Shock
Prognostic impact of MitraClip in patients with left ventricular dysfunction and functional mitral valve regurgitation: a comprehensive meta-analysis of RCTs and adjusted observational studies.
Complete or culprit only revascularization in patients with multivessel disease presenting with cardiogenic shock: a meta-analysis of RCT and adjusted observational results.