Speaker illustration

Doctor Juan Lacalzada Almeida

University Hospital of the Canaries, Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Spain)

Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery of the Faculty of Medicine, University of La Laguna, l.977 to l.983. Bachelor's Degree in Practical Test Examination Category, October 24, l.983 with Excellent Qualification, University of La Laguna. Extraordinary Degree Award l.982-l.983, April 11, l984, University of La Laguna. Monographic Doctoral Courses, 1.983-1.984. Scholarships of the “Excelentísimo Cabildo Insular de Tenerife” (Tenerife Island Council) during the following courses of the Medicine and Surgery degree: l978-79, l979-80, l980-81, l.98l-82 and l.982-83. Postgraduate Scholarship for that excellent corporation in the year l.984. Internal Medical Resident (M.I.R.) of the Cardiology Service of the University Hospital of the Canary Islands (HUC) in the National Convening of l.984. Medical Diploma in Health from the Departmental School of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, April l.987.Doctor in Medicine from the University of La Laguna on November 28, 1998.

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