Speaker illustration

Professor Muzaffer M Degertekin

Yeditepe University Hospital, Istanbul (Türkiye)

Muzaffer M. Degertekin, MD, PhD, FESC,FACC is a Professor of Cardiology and head of Cath Lab at Yeditepe University Hospital, Turkey. He received the degree of Medical Doctor in 1990 from Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. Prof. Degertekin is an interventional Cardiologist completed his PhD in 2003 working on Drug eluting stents at the Erasmus University Thoraxcenter, Rotterdam, Netherlands. Prof. Degertekin’s current research is focused on complex coronary intervention (LM\CTO\Bifurcation), coronary stents, and MSCT coronary imaging in complex PCI. He has published over 110 articles (> 4500 citations) with RG score 41 and H index 32. Prof. Degertekin served as a Board member of ESC for the period of 2010-2012. Prof. Degertekin is currently vice president of Turkish Society of Cardiology . He was past president of TSC_ Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions. and served as a member of the EAPCI Scientific Committee.

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Topic: Echo-ventricular function

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