Speaker illustration

Doctor Concetta Schiano

University of Campania Luigi Vanvitell, Naples (Italy)

Dr. Concetta Schiano was educated at the University of Naples “Federico II” (Italy), where she graduated in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology in 2005 and received qualification as Pharmacist in the second session of 2005. She was educated at the University of Naples “L. Vanvitelli”, where she graduated in Clinic Pathology in 2010. In 2011, Dr. Schiano received Ph.D. in Biochemistry at the University of Naples “L. Vanvitelli”. The project, titled: “Angiogenesis and YY1”, was carried out in the lab of Prof. C. Napoli research group from the Department of Clinic Pathology (Naples). Dr. Schiano has published original papers in leading international journals (with ISIKnowledge h-index:18). From 2011 to 2018, she began working as Researcher at "IRCCS SDN" in Naples. Since July 2019, she began working as Assistant Professor at University of Campania "L. Vanvitelli".

Integrated analysis of DNA methylation profile in HLA-G gene and imaging in coronary heart disease

Event: ESC Congress 2020

Topic: Pathophysiology and Mechanisms

Session: Coronary Artery Disease (Chronic) ePosters


Gene expression regulation in heart failure: from pathobiology to bioinformatics

Event: Frontiers in CardioVascular Biology 2016

Topic: Transcriptional control

Session: Transcriptional control and RNA species - Heart
