Speaker illustration

Professor Andrew Mente

Population Health Research Institute (PHRI), Hamilton (Canada)

Dr. Mente received his doctoral degree in Epidemiology from the University of Toronto. He completed post-doctoral training in cardiovascular epidemiology at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada, and is currently an Associate Professor in Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact at the Population Health Research Institute, McMaster University. Dr. Mente has studied the role of dietary sodium and cardiovascular diseases in the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study, a study of over 100,000 individuals from 18 low, middle and high income countries on 5 continents. Recently, Dr. Mente has co-led an investigation on the role of fats and carbohydrates in cardiovascular disease in the PURE cohort. He is currently co-leading nutrition work in the PURE study investigating the impact of individual nutrients, foods and dietary patterns on cardiovascular markers and cardiovascular disease events.

Diet and heart disease: differences between Asia and Europe.

Event: ESC Congress 2021 - The Digital Experience

Topic: Risk Factors and Prevention

Session: Primary prevention in the Asia-Pacific region


Plant-based diet is the best for cardiovascular disease prevention - CON.

Event: ESC Congress 2020

Topic: Risk Factors and Prevention

Session: Controversies in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention: Plant-Based Diet Is the Best



Event: ESC Congress 2018

Topic: Nutrition, Malnutrition and Heart Disease

Session: Meet the trialist - PURE - Association of dietary quality and risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality in more than 218,000 people from over 50 countries


PURE - Association of dietary quality and risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality in more than 218,000 people from over 50 countries

Event: ESC Congress 2018

Topic: Nutrition, Malnutrition and Heart Disease

Session: Hot Line Session 4


Going healthy, globally: a comparison of dietary patterns

Event: ESC Congress 2018

Topic: Nutrition, Malnutrition and Heart Disease

Session: How to eat right: should PURE results influence dietary guidelines?


Fruit, vegetable, and legume intake and cardiovascular disease and deaths: The Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study of 135,000 people in 18 countries

Event: ESC Congress 2017

Topic: Nutrition

Session: Hot Line: Late-Breaking Registry Results 1
