Speaker illustration

Professor Harry de Koning

Erasmus University Medical Centre, Rotterdam (Netherlands (The))

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

Name: Harry J de Koning He is Deputy Head and Professor of Public Health & Screening Evaluation, Department of Public Health, Erasmus MC University Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. His major scientific contributions are in the areas of (1) designing, running and evaluating (often large-scale) multidisciplinary population-based randomized controlled screening trials to establish the efficacy of screening, (2) evaluating active (inter-)national screening programs and clinical tests to establish effectiveness and (3) guiding public health policies on screening and primary prevention using predictions of favourable and unfavourable effects and the cost of interventions, based on micro-simulation modelling of the natural history of disease, risk-prediction modelling and cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analyses. He is PI of the ROBINSCA trial through an Advanced Researcher Grant (2011), to assess the (cost-) effectiveness of screening for cardiovascular disease.

Risk Or Benefit IN Screening for CArdiovascular disease (ROBINSCA): results from screening for a high cardiovascular disease risk by using a risk prediction model or coronary artery calcium scoring

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: Cardiovascular Risk Assessment

Session: Clinical risk factors, prevalence and prognosis
