Speaker illustration

Doctor Davide Giorgi

San Luca Hospital, Lucca (Italy)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

Dr. Davide Giorgi was born in Pisa on 12/12/1963, he graduated in Medicine and Surgery (110/110) at the University of Pisa in November 1992, he currently holds the role of Chief of Electrophysiology Lab at the U.O. of Cardiology of "San Luca" Hospital in Lucca indefinitely where he is since October 2004. PhD in "Pathophysiology and Clinical Cardiovascular and Respiratory apparatus" Cardio-Thoracic Department at the University of Pisa directed by Professor M. Mariani (June 2003). Dr. Davide Giorgi is a specialist in Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular Diseases. Member of ANMCO, of the Italian Association of Arrhythmology and Cardiostimulation, of the Italian Society of Cardiovascular Ultrasound, and of the the Italian Society of Sports Cardiology.

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