Speaker illustration

Professor William Parsonage

Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, Herston (Australia)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

Professor Will Parsonage is an experienced clinician researcher, Staff Cardiologist at Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and Professor and Clinical Director of The Australian Centre for Health Service Innovation at Queensland University of Technology. A graduate of University of Nottingham, UK he completed cardiology training at The Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane. While continuing in clinical practice he has been a productive and impactful researcher, publishing >130 papers (>65 in the last 5 years) with over 5500 career citations and a h-index of 38 (Google Scholar, May 2022. He has been awarded >$6.4M in competitive research grants and >$3M for health service contracted research projects.

Translation of the ADAPT accelerated diagnostic protocol into clinical practice: impact on hospital length of stay and admission rates for possible cardiac chest pain

Event: ESC Congress 2016

Topic: Acute cardiac care in the emergency department

Session: Optimising outcomes in acute coronary syndrome


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