Maria Frigerio was born and lives in Milan, Italy. She graduated in Medicine in 1979 and got the specialty in Cardiology in 1982, at the State University of Milan. She spent her professional career at the Cardiac Department of the Niguarda Great Metropolitan Hospital in Milan, from 1982 to December 2021, when she retired. MF served as chief of the Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplant Unit, from 2000 to her retirement, and as director of the Cardiac Department from 2010 to 2017. Most of her work was devoted to patients with advanced heart failure and to heart transplant candidates and recipients, with special interest in the research on device-based therapy of advanced heart failure, transplant rejection, acute severe heart failure and shock, diagnosis and management of acute myocarditis. Moreover, MF contributed to regional and national committees for defining protocols for donor allocation and for referral and selection of patient for long-term ventricular assist device therapy.