Speaker illustration

Professor Zheng-Ming Chen

University of Oxford, Oxford (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland)

Professor Zhengming Chen completed his medical training at Shanghai Medical University in 1983, and gained his DPhil in Epidemiology at the University of Oxford in 1992. He is now Professor of Epidemiology at the Oxford University’s Nuffield Department of Population Health. His main researches focus on the environmental and genetic causes of non-communicable chronic disease (e.g., IHD, stroke), evidence-based medicine and efficient strategies for disease control in developing countries. He has led several large randomised trials in heart disease and stroke, leading to major changes in international guidelines. He has been the lead PI of prospective China Kadoorie BiobanK (CKB) since its inception in 2003, which involves >512,000 adults recruited from 10 diverse areas across China. CKB has generated many novel findings about genetic and non-genetic determents of cardiovascular and other major diseases, relevant for improved prevention, risk prediction and development of new therapies.

Moderate alcohol drinking and CVD: is the benefit real?

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: Nutrition, Malnutrition and Heart Disease

Session: Diet, alcohol and CVD: myths and facts


Air pollution and coronary heart disease: how to minimise the impact?

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: Environmental Aspects of Heart Disease

Session: Environment and cardiovascular health
