Speaker illustration

Doctor Aneida Vevecka

Clinic Wurzburg Mitte, Würzburg (Germany)

Predictor factors and the prognostic role of persistent pulmonary veins isolation in patients with arrhythmia recurrence necessitating a second ablation procedure

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: Catheter Ablation of Arrhythmias

Session: Ablation of persistent atrial fibrillation


Predictive factors and safety of non invasive mechanical ventilation in combination to Propofol deep sedation in left atrial ablation procedures

Event: ESC Congress 2018

Topic: Catheter Ablation of Arrhythmias

Session: Catheter ablation


Impact of catheter ablation and characteristics of patients with atrial fibrillation and reduced ejection fraction

Event: EHRA 2018

Topic: Rhythm Control, Catheter Ablation

Session: Atrial fibrillation ablation - Mechanisms and outcomes
