Speaker illustration

Professor Giuseppe Mancia

University of Milan Bicocca, Milan (Italy)

PRESENT POSITION. GM is Professor Emeritus of the University Milano-Bicocca and Chairman of the Foundation of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH). DEGREES/DIPLOMAS. He trained at the University of Siena, Medical School, where he graduated in 1964 cum laude. He obtained in 1967 the Post-graduate Diploma (cum laude).He obtained the Ph.D. (Libera Docenza) in Physiology in 1970 and worked as Post-graduate Fellow of the US Public Health Service and Associate Researcher at the Mayo Clinic (1972-1974). ACADEMIC/HOSPITAL POSITIONS.GM has worked in the University of Milan and Milan-Bicocca from 1969 to his retirement in 2012, since 1985 as full Professor of Internal Medicine. He has been Head of the Division of Internal Medicine, Chairman of the University and Hospital Departments of Clinical Medicine (S. Gerardo Hospital, Monza) and Director of several Postgraduate Schools of Medicine (Cardiology, Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine and En

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