Speaker illustration

Professor Catherine Boileau

Hospital Bichat-Claude Bernard, Paris (France)

Pr. Catherine Boileau (PharmD., PhD) is the current Chair of the Genetics Department at Bichat hospital in Paris. She teaches Genetics at the Medical School of Paris Diderot University. She has performed research for over 35 years and headed research teams at Inserm. She was President of the first Scientific Advisory Board of the French Foundation of Rare Diseases. She was on the Governing Board of the Paris University Hospitals (Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris) and the Research Director of the Northern University Hospitals. Author of over 300 international publications, she is chevalier of the French Légion d’Honneur and was awarded the Grand Prix Lefoulon-Delalande, Institut de France in 2018.

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