Speaker illustration

Professor Ehab Al Hefny

Al-Azhar University, Cairo (Egypt)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

Graduate of Al-Azhar University, School of Medicine, Cairo, Egypt. Awarded the Master degree followed by the Doctorate degree in Cardiology from Al-Azhar Uni. Cairo, Egypt. Trained in the field of Preventive Cardiology in the Uni. of Pittsburgh Medical Center, PA, USA. Trained in Interventional Cardiology in the University of Britannia Occidental, Brest, France. Then as the director of the Cath. Lab. in Al-Azhar Uni. Hospital, Cairo, Egypt. Then, appointed as the head of Internal Medicine dept. in the IHB, Bahrain. Finally, appointed as the head of the Cardiology departments in Al-Azhar Uni. In Cairo. During this period, founded the program of Intervention in Structural Heart Disease. Currently, appointed as the head of the Hypertension Working Group of the EgSC. Also, elected as the Secretary General of the Postgraduate Promotion Committee of Cardiology at Al-Azhar Uni., Cairo, Egypt. Recently appointed in the scientific board of Egyptian fellowship Cardiology program.

Rare and unusual cases

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: Clinical

Session type: Clinical Cases
