Speaker illustration

Doctor Sonja Sieprath

Alb Fils Clinics, Goeppingen (Germany)

Dr. med. Sonja Franziska Sieprath (*22.10.1981) exams/ acknlowdegments: 24.11.2008: med. approbation (Würzburg, Unterfranken, Germany) 09.02.2011: doctoris medicinae (university of Würzburg, Germany); title: "the role of p38 in the TGF-ß-related tranddiffentiation of human tenonfibroblasts to myofibroblasts" 19.01.2017: acknowledgement subspeciality emergency medicine ("Zusatzbezeichnung Notfallmedizin") 06.04.2017: acknowledgement specialisation cardiology ("Fachärztin für Innere Medizin und Kardiologie") career: 2009-2016: career in internal medicine/ cardiology at Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus Stuttgart (Prof Dr. med. U. Sechtem) since 2016: career in internal medicine/ cardiology at Alb-Fils-Kliniken Göppingen (Prof. Dr. med. S. Schröder), subspecialty rhythmology (EP and device therapy)