Necker Hospital M3C, Paris Descartes University, Paris (France)
Pr Lucile Houyel is a pediatric cardiologist and cardiac morphologist at Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades, Paris, France.
She is specialized in echocardiography, anatomy of congenital cardiac defects, and heart transplantation. She is second vice-president of the International Society for Nomenclature of Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease, of the nucleus of the Working Group “Anatomy, Development and Pathology” of the European Society of Cardiology, and of the Working Group “Cardiac Morphology” of the Association of European Pediatric Cardiologists.
Abnormal anatomy of the coronary sinus in congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries (double discordance): a pitfall for transvenous cardiac resynchronization therapy?