Speaker illustration

Doctor Senka Ljubojevic-Holzer

Medical University of Graz, Graz (Austria)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

After completing PhD in Molecular Medicine at the Medical University of Graz in 2012, Senka was granted the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) junior postdoctoral fellowship (2013-2017). The part of the project was allocated to the University of California Davis (USA), where Senka worked as a postdoc in Don Bers' lab. Currently, she is leading two projects at the Department of Cardiology of the Medical University of Graz; the senior postdoctoral fellowship of the FWF and the Young Researcher Groups funded by the BioTechMed-Graz. Senka's main research area is myocardial remodeling in early hypertrophy with specific focus on subcellular ion homeostasis and excitation-transcription coupling. Senka served as nucleus member of "Scientists of Tomorrow" from its founding in 2013 until 2018 and is currently a member of the Research and Grants Committee of the ESC. Senka is passionate about finding new ways to achieve scientific excellence without loosing the balance between important areas of life.

Out of Control: proarrhythmic calcium handling from bench to bedside

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: Basic Science

Session type: Symposium


Caloric restriction prolongs life time - Should we skip a meal today?

Event: ESC Congress 2018

Topic: Basic Science

Session type: HowTo


From Project to Paper: meet the Editors of Cardiovascular Research

Event: Frontiers in CardioVascular Biology 2016

Topic: Molecular biology / genetics

Session type: Symposium


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