- Medical University Pecs Hungary, - 1976-78
- Semmelweis Medical University - 1978-82
- Diplom of Medicine-Hungay - 1982
- Medical License for Hungary - 1982
- Spec. Board Exam of Gen. Surg. H. - 1986
-Spec. Board Exam of Vacs. Surg.H. -1988
- Clinical-Research Fellow in Cardio-Thor Surg.
- /Goethe Univ. FranfurtaM/,Germany-1989-92
- Clinical Fellow in Cardio-Thor.Surg. - 1992
- /Cath. Univ. Leuven - /Belgien -EU
- Clinical Fellow in Cardio-Thor. Surg. - 1993
- /Cleveland Clinic Fondation - Ohio-/ USA
- Research & Heart Transplant Fellow -1993
- Univ. New Jersey -Newark "Beth Isreal" Hosp.
- Clin. Instructor-Research Ass. Professor
- Deparment. of Cardio-Thoracic-Pediatric Heart Surgery
- SUNY Downstate Hosp. New York. N.Y. USA -1993-1998
- Resident in Cardio-Thoracic Surgery -1998-2005
- Dept. of Heart and Thor.Aorta Surgery,
- "Philipps University" of. Marburg ,Germany , EU
- Program Director in TAVI & Aortic Surgery - 2007-2015