Speaker illustration

Professor Harald Schmidt

Maastricht University, Maastricht (Netherlands (The))

With a double degree in Medicine and Pharmacy, Harald Schmidt has a passion for network and systems medicine to re-define what we call "disease" from a descriptive symptom- and organ-based to a mechanism-based approach, new mechanism-based diagnostics and rapid repurposing of registered drugs for new clinical applications by network pharmacology. He performs high risk/high potential gain research in areas of major medical need, such as the development and commercialisation of a first-in-class neuro-protective therapy in stroke, a therapy against a common and yet untreatable form of heart failure, and a therapy for resistant hypertension. Coordinator of H2020 REPO-TRIAL, Chair COST action OpenMultiMed, past ERC AdG and PoC holder, co-editor in chief of 'Network and Systems Medicine.'