Speaker illustration

Doctor Chiara Martini

University Hospital of Parma, Parma (Italy)

Member of:

From 2007 to now, a lot of attendance and fellowships at italian and international institution. From 2009 to now, professor on contract into BSc in Radiographer, and teacher into Degree Course of Medicine and Dentistry. Before Reasearcher, after employed as RT, and now Director of BSc in Radiographer at University of Parma. Actually, I am author and co-author of 185 Scientific Publication distributed as follow: 4 collaboration to wirte a Scientific Books; 37 Chapters of a book; 64 Scientific Articles, of which 60 linked to Pub-Med on the papers with peer review (4 as a first author and 65 as a co-author); 31 Science Communications at National and International Conventions (7 as a first author); 52 Science Communications through Poster at National and International Conventions (18 as a first author). Total quotes>950; h-index = 19; i10-index = 29 (Google Scholar January 2018).

An introduction to the fundamental areas of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance imaging including image optimisation and safety

Event: EuroCMR 2019

Topic: Technology and Physics

Session type: Special Session


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